Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance Canada.... My Experience

Hey Guys,

On the way home from So You Think You Can Dance Canada!
On Thursday September 23rd, 2010, our acting academy went to go watch So You Think You Can Dance Canada. Before we left for the bus, we were given an assignment. The assignment was that we were all given a character which we had to play and throughout the night we had to be in those roles. Some roles that were given were groupies, agents and some had an on going gag (sneezing, twitching etc). The task that I was given was to play the role of a body guard for Mickey G (Dillon Singh). It was really fun and I’d say, we did a pretty good job of it too. That night we convinced almost everyone that Dillon was famous. It was so convincing that one mother asked for his autograph. We never got out of character. Throughout that night, we picked up a few contacts, strengthened our roles as actors, and worked our way through many situations. My highlight of the night was when the security and we got into a conflict. They didn’t like how we were causing attention, but they respected us because they assumed Mickey G was a real celebrity. At one point there was a situation where the groupies decided to crowd around us, and the security from So You Think You Can Dance Canada came and helped us out. All in all, that was a great night. I guess you can say it was like breaking the ice into the class. I got to know my peers better, and I’m hoping that my next trip with them is also a blast.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Welcoming To The Start Of My Future.

Hey Guys.

“Welcome to the grade 12 Acting Academy”, was one of the first things I heard as I walked into the class. I was nervous but yet excited. I really didn’t know what to expect. This was my first year working in an acting academy. I told myself that this would be easy but as I said that walked in Ms. Thomas. I was kind of terrified since having no previous experience with her but I knew that she was going to take me places. As she started to lay out what we were going to do in the semester, my thought of how easy this would be had started to fade. I am not going to lie, as I walked out of that class, I was scared… She had high expectations!  However, I knew those expectations would only make me stronger as an actor. At one point, I was planning on dropping out. I thought this was too much for one to handle, but in the end, I’m glad that I didn’t. So far I am having so much fun this semester. I can’t wait for what’s next.